Saturday, February 6, 2010

c++ to java

you know, every time I tell someone that I'm converting a c++ application into java, I usually get lectured about java being invented to solve all of the shortcomings of c++, yet i still find great difficulty in expressing certain c++ concepts in java. For example, I can't make an unsigned int in java, and when i see code like this:

typedef unsigned int a

typedef unsigned char c;

unsigned char *B;

B=(c*)calloc(a, 1);

I practically soil myself. not only do i not have unsigned ints in java, so in order to match the max value i have to use a long. So instead of a 32-bit variable, i'm using a 64-bit variable. The code above presents another problem; i can't exactly give a java array a long index.

Not kool! Just thought I'd vent about that for a bit. If anyone has any ideas about how to convert this to java, let me know!

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